Cizup Docs Help

Ciz & Up Process for Cizzer

Step 1: 'Ciz & Up' Button

  • When you complete a chapter, a new 'Ciz & Up' button will be activated.

  • Click this button to open the page where your 'Ciz & Up' events are listed.

Cizzers Page 0

Step 2: Date Selection

  • On the 'Ciz & Up' page, use a date picker to select the date and time of the event.

  • After selecting the desired date and time, click the 'OK' button.

Cizzers Page 1

Step 3: Ciz Request Submission

  • After selecting the date, press the 'Ciz' button and leave a new request to the cizup pool.

Cizzers Page 2

Step 4: Match and 'Upgrade'

  • Other users can see your ciz request and match with you by 'Up'.

  • When a match is made, a notification message and room information is sent to both parties via Discord for the 'Ciz & Up' event that will start at the selected date and time.

Step 5: Check-In and Start of the Event

  • At the set date and time, both parties are expected to join the Discord voice channel and 'Check-In'.

  • If both parties do not join the voice channel and 'Check-In' within 15 minutes, 'Ciz & Up' will time out.

  • If 'Check-In' is done, the deadline is extended by 3 hours (for evaluation).

Step 6: Timeout Conditions

  • If the cizup is not 'Up'ed by any user until 15 minutes before the selected date, it automatically times out.

  • If the cizup is not reviewed by the deadline, it will expire and the reviewer will be penalised

Step 7: Evaluation and Progress

  • The user must complete at least two 'Ciz & Up' to advance to the next chapter.

  • For each 'Ciz & Up', an evaluation score is given by the upper and this score must be 70 or above.

  • At the end of the event, the upender learns about the topics he/she does not know and becomes able to do the tasks he/she cannot do, while the scratcher earns the right to move to the next chapter.

Step 8: Ciz & Up Rights and Balance

  • Each user initially has 3 'Ciz & Up' rights.

  • As users ciz, their rights increase, and as they up, their rights decrease; this keeps the system in balance.

Last modified: 11 Şubat 2024