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Ciz & Up Conditions and Progress Conditions

The Cizup platform has certain terms and conditions in order for the 'Ciz & Up' activity to be completed successfully and for users to move on to the next learning phase. This document details those terms and conditions.

Timeout Conditions

'Ciz & Up' events are limited in time to encourage interaction and mutual aid. The following timeout conditions apply:

  • Join Time: If both parties have not joined the Discord voice channel and 'Check-In' 15 minutes after the designated start time for a 'Ciz & Up' event, the event will time out.

  • Event Creation: Once a 'Ciz & Up' event is created, if no user is 'Up'ed by 15 minutes before the selected date, the event automatically times out.

  • Evaluation: After a 'Ciz & Up' event is Checked, if no evaluation is made within 3 hours, Ciz & Up times out.

Conditions for Moving to the Next Chapter

Completing the 'Ciz & Up' events is an important step for users to move on to the next chapter. Transition conditions are:

  • Event Completion: Users must successfully complete the 'Ciz & Up' events required to advance to the next chapter.

  • Evaluation Score: For each completed 'Ciz & Up' event, there is a evaluation score to be given by the person doing the upping. This score must be 70 or above.

  • Required Number of Events: The Trick user must complete the specified number of 'Ciz & Up' events to move on to the next chapter. Usually this number is two 'Ciz & Up' events.

Balancing User Points and Efficiency

The 'Ciz & Up' system balances user Points and efficiency to create a fair learning ecosystem:

  • Ciz Points: Each user has a certain number of 'Ciz' Points at the beginning.

  • Up Points: Users exercise these Points by 'Up' others' 'Ciz' activities.

  • Balance: Users increase their Points as they ciz, and decrease them as they up. This cycle ensures that balance is maintained in the system.

Last modified: 11 Şubat 2024