Cizup Docs Help

Info Session Feature and Usage


The "Info Session" feature on the Cizup platform is designed to provide users with one-on-one support during their learning process. When users struggle to understand a chapter, they can request a special assistance session from another user.

What is an Info Session?

An Info Session is a scheduled assistance session where a user can receive one-on-one support on a specific chapter or concept. These sessions accelerate the learning process and allow users to learn at their own pace.

Usage Conditions

  • Session Rights: Each user is entitled to two Info Sessions per chapter.

  • Scheduling Time: Users send an Info Session request by selecting the time they are available.

  • Matching and Session: Another user accepts this request and conducts the session at the agreed time.

XP Points Transfer

  • Cost: Requesting an Info Session incurs a cost equivalent to 12% of the XP points the requesting user could earn for that level.

  • Point Transfer: The user providing the session receives 12% of the XP points from the supported user.

  • Failed Matching: If a match does not occur by the selected date and time, the session automatically expires, and XP points are unaffected.

How Does the Process Work?

  1. Session Request: The user requests an Info Session based on the difficulty encountered.

  2. Time Selection: The user selects an available time and requests the session.

  3. Acceptance and Execution: Another user accepts the request and conducts the session at the determined time.

  4. Point Transfer: At the end of the session, a portion of the requesting user's XP points is transferred to the user providing the session.

Last modified: 11 Şubat 2024